Bergamot essential oil – scent, benefits and risks

When creating our ‘Faith’, which represents the air element, relates to the heart and throat chakra, Citrus bergamia was our intuitive choice. Our Certified Organic Bergamot Essential Oil comes from a fruit grown at the very southern tip of Italy under the warm sunshine of Calabria. Farmers who have worked the land for generations dedicated while restoring traditions of the past.
Ylang Ylang Oil self-care benefits

Derived from a yellow star shaped flower which grows in tropical areas such as India, Philippine’s, Malaysia and parts of Australia. Ylang ylang is a heady, aromatic scent is fruity, flowery and rich.
The flower is used to make several grades of essential oil, via steam distillation. Ylang ylang complete is intense top note used in perfumes such as Chanel Number Five. The less potent grade essential oils are used as medium to base notes in perfume and to make products which are favoured by men and women alike.
Ylang ylang has long been used in traditional medicine ranging from skin tonic to health concerns like asthma.
Peppermint Essential Oil – 10 Benefits

Invigorate our organic Peppermint essential oil, which is the latest addition to our oil product range. Self-care of our physical and mental health now is paramount. When looking to expand our selection, we spoke to therapists about what support most people needed. The results were this beautiful organic essential oil of Peppermint named Invigorate, designed to give strength, instil excitement and aid with emotional fatigue.
Peppermint was found in the Egyptian pyramids dating back to around 1000B.C. The oldest civilisations highly value it for its properties in soothing digestion; modern research has shown it improves tastes and smells when inhaled and is a powerful natural antibacterial.
Here are some of the ways you can use it to support you in your daily life.
The power of intention

Creating a space for self-care is vital in our busy, stressed lives. Perhaps you have heard about the power that comes from setting an intention. It seems fairly self-explanatory; however, what does intention mean, and how can you apply them for success?
How To Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are made from botanicals (flowers, leaves, seeds, roots etc) which are distilled, extracted or cold-pressed to produce these beautiful highly concentrated oils.
How to use The Modern Alkimista ritual tools

At Alkimista we love all things ritual! We even made the perfect sage smudge stick kit for rituals and cleansing.
Connection Ritual

Essential oils are made from botanicals (flowers, leaves, seeds, roots etc) which are distilled, extracted or cold-pressed to produce these beautiful highly concentrated oils.
Our Deep Seated Need For Connection

There’s a lot I could write about this, fundamentally though I believe a big part of being human lies in understanding our need to make authentic connection and contact with others.
An Introduction to The Alkimista Four Elements

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